Tag Archives: Course in Miracles

it’s not what you think it’s about

Here’s the thing about doing the kind of “work” K and I do: sometimes it’s like having a foot in two worlds. It can drive you crazy! This came up just the other day. She called me and said, “Okay, something just happened, and I want to hear your take on it.” We do that. A lot. We use each other as a sounding board when things start going sideways, because face it: when you’re in the middle of a minor or major drama, you can’t always see clearly what’s going on.

So anyway, K tells me about a situation she encountered. Now, it’s interesting. She could see the sich, she could stay in the Vortex about it, but she still couldn’t make sense of it.  We talked for a minute and then my channels opened up, and I got a “hit.”  Nice.  “Well,” I said. “You’re trying to make it make sense and it doesn’t.” Huh?? It seems to be one thing on the surface, right? But it isn’t really about that at all. My advice to K was, “Stop trying to make it make sense.”

Our spiritual teachers have been saying for years, “we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” The Course in Miracles says that everything around us is an illusion and the only thing that is real is Love. We get that. We get that we’re living on a planet that is like a giant school. We get that, but sometimes we forget that 99.999% of the people we encounter out there don’t know that.

This is where the confusion comes in: there are things (most things) that seem one way on the surface, but they are  just a mask for what’s really going on. Like dreams. If you look at the meaning of a dream on the surface, you think that you and a black cat climbed a tree to get in your bedroom window (really?). The real meaning of the dream isn’t cats or trees at all.  Those are just metaphors.

Okay, for example: a former job I had keeps popping up lately, so there must be some work to do around it. At the time that I was going through that particular drama, I kept trying to make sense of it, trying to appease a particular co-worker, who no matter what I did, just became more enraged. That’s because it wasn’t about what she kept insisting it was about. Trying to work through it “logically,” I felt like I was walking on hot coals. Now, with the wisdom of hind-sight, I can clearly see that her issues with me were never about me; her issues with me were about her. I just happened to be the lucky one  to show up to help her play out her drama.

Life is one giant series of puzzles that will drive you crazy until you realize: it isn’t always what you think it’s about. Love, C

My two cents: Like a magic trick, the obvious can just be a diversion.


It’s true: I had my panties in a bit of a bunch yesterday.  Yeah, it happens to me, not as much as it used to, but it still happens.  I have a bit of an issue with things being fair and things making sense to me, and in this situation, neither feeling was a match. I don’t care what is going on or what the issue is, if I can wrap my head around it and understand it, I am okay with it.

I  got a notice that the lease for my apartment was up for renewal in a month. I knew that  my rent was going to be raised, no big deal; it hasn’t been raised in years so I was fine with that.  Then I talked to a friend who lives in my building and her rent wasn’t being raised.  Same apartment, and she has been here less time.  Didn’t seem fair.  Anyway, I talked to the manager and she said that it happens that some people get their rent raised and some don’t possibly depending on what month they moved it.  Seriously?  The reasoning couldn’t have been more ridiculous.  I have to tell you, I got so irritated, but since it was so out in left field I knew there was something in this situation for me to learn.

Life’s not fair.  Isn’t that what people say, isn’t that what your mother said?   Wait. That sounds so pout-y, so boo-hoo, so poor me.  How about life is not the same for everyone?  We are all working on different things, we all have a different agenda, so why would we think things would play out the same for everyone?  Wow, this is big.  I happen to be working on money not being an issue, working on prosperity, and it is interesting that the rent being raised didn’t bother me at all.  Awesome, I’m really making progress on the money thing, yippee.  Maybe, my friend who didn’t receive a rent increase isn’t working on the same things as me.  Actually I know her and I know she isn’t so, maybe that is why she didn’t need to have her rent increased.  Just a thought.

I am feeling so much better about this stuff, you have no idea.  Last night I was so irritated.  I was trying to get to a place where this didn’t bother me and I just couldn’t.  Even after talking to C, I couldn’t get there, but today, I feel amazing.  I get it, it makes sense to me.  We are all having our own experiences, learning our own lessons, so we are going to attract different things into our lives.  And even though it may not seem fair, or make sense, everything really is exactly as it should be.  xo-K

My two cents:  Do your own work. Everything coming your way is for your benefit, and your growth, and it’s not the same for everyone.

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Filed under affirmations, Inspiration, prosperity

it's not what you think it's about

Here’s the thing about doing the kind of “work” K and I do: sometimes it’s like having a foot in two worlds. It can drive you crazy! This came up just the other day. She called me and said, “Okay, something just happened, and I want to hear your take on it.” We do that. A lot. We use each other as a sounding board when things start going sideways, because face it: when you’re in the middle of a minor or major drama, you can’t always see clearly what’s going on.

So anyway, K tells me about a situation she encountered. Now, it’s interesting. She could see the sich, she could stay in the Vortex about it, but she still couldn’t make sense of it.  We talked for a minute and then my channels opened up, and I got a “hit.”  Nice.  “Well,” I said. “You’re trying to make it make sense and it doesn’t.” Huh?? It seems to be one thing on the surface, right? But it isn’t really about that at all. My advice to K was, “Stop trying to make it make sense.”

Our spiritual teachers have been saying for years, “we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” The Course in Miracles says that everything around us is an illusion and the only thing that is real is Love. We get that. We get that we’re living on a planet that is like a giant school. We get that, but sometimes we forget that 99.999% of the people we encounter out there don’t know that.

This is where the confusion comes in: there are things (most things) that seem one way on the surface, but they are  just a mask for what’s really going on. Like dreams. If you look at the meaning of a dream on the surface, you think that you and a black cat climbed a tree to get in your bedroom window (really?). The real meaning of the dream isn’t cats or trees at all.  Those are just metaphors.

Okay, for example: a former job I had keeps popping up lately, so there must be some work to do around it. At the time that I was going through that particular drama, I kept trying to make sense of it, trying to appease a particular co-worker, who no matter what I did, just became more enraged. That’s because it wasn’t about what she kept insisting it was about. Trying to work through it “logically,” I felt like I was walking on hot coals. Now, with the wisdom of hind-sight, I can clearly see that her issues with me were never about me; her issues with me were about her. I just happened to be the lucky one  to show up to help her play out her drama.

Life is one giant series of puzzles that will drive you crazy until you realize: it isn’t always what you think it’s about. Love, C

My two cents: Like a magic trick, the obvious can just be a diversion.


It’s true: I had my panties in a bit of a bunch yesterday.  Yeah, it happens to me, not as much as it used to, but it still happens.  I have a bit of an issue with things being fair and things making sense to me, and in this situation, neither feeling was a match. I don’t care what is going on or what the issue is, if I can wrap my head around it and understand it, I am okay with it.

I  got a notice that the lease for my apartment was up for renewal in a month. I knew that  my rent was going to be raised, no big deal; it hasn’t been raised in years so I was fine with that.  Then I talked to a friend who lives in my building and her rent wasn’t being raised.  Same apartment, and she has been here less time.  Didn’t seem fair.  Anyway, I talked to the manager and she said that it happens that some people get their rent raised and some don’t possibly depending on what month they moved it.  Seriously?  The reasoning couldn’t have been more ridiculous.  I have to tell you, I got so irritated, but since it was so out in left field I knew there was something in this situation for me to learn.

Life’s not fair.  Isn’t that what people say, isn’t that what your mother said?   Wait. That sounds so pout-y, so boo-hoo, so poor me.  How about life is not the same for everyone?  We are all working on different things, we all have a different agenda, so why would we think things would play out the same for everyone?  Wow, this is big.  I happen to be working on money not being an issue, working on prosperity, and it is interesting that the rent being raised didn’t bother me at all.  Awesome, I’m really making progress on the money thing, yippee.  Maybe, my friend who didn’t receive a rent increase isn’t working on the same things as me.  Actually I know her and I know she isn’t so, maybe that is why she didn’t need to have her rent increased.  Just a thought.

I am feeling so much better about this stuff, you have no idea.  Last night I was so irritated.  I was trying to get to a place where this didn’t bother me and I just couldn’t.  Even after talking to C, I couldn’t get there, but today, I feel amazing.  I get it, it makes sense to me.  We are all having our own experiences, learning our own lessons, so we are going to attract different things into our lives.  And even though it may not seem fair, or make sense, everything really is exactly as it should be.  xo-K

My two cents:  Do your own work. Everything coming your way is for your benefit, and your growth, and it’s not the same for everyone.

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Filed under affirmations, Inspiration, prosperity