Tag Archives: Glynis McCants

dream on…

I have been paying attention to my dreams now for as long as I can remember.  If I am going through something and I just can’t seem to figure out exactly what is going on and what the solution is, one of the first things I do is look at my dreams.  I’m lucky, I have always had pretty good dream recall, and there is always a lot going on when I go to sleep at night, sometimes I wake up just exhausted.

If you are interested in understanding your dreams there is only one book you need, The Dream Book, by Betty Bethards, is hands down the best most clear and helpful book on the subject and it really goes into detail about exactly what is going on when we sleep.

A few weeks ago when I had that “altercation” with my dad and basically told him to get out of my home, that night or maybe the next I dreamed I had a mustache.  Not a dark peach fuzz girl mustache, a full on thick coarse man mustache.  I was figuring out how it got there and trying to shave it off.  I looked up mustache in the dream book and mustache means power to clearly communicate. Well I was really clear with my dad for the first time ever, and I have to say I have never dreamed of a mustache before.

There are six basic kinds of dreams, according to Betty Bethards, she calls these dreams, clearing house/clutter, teaching, problem solving, precognitive, prophetic or visionary, and outside interference.  It can sometimes seem that we have just as much going on while we slumber as we do when we are awake and going about our day.

I started my spiritual path in my early 20’s and I became really fascinated in dreams, reading about them, and analyzing their meaning.  This was also around the time I fell hard for a wonderful boy who lived a million miles away.  When we were together in LA I would ask him every morning when he woke up what he dreamed the night before.  He thought it was a little silly but he would indulge me, and we would discuss our dreams over coffee.  When he was back in NY he would call me every morning and wake me up, he wanted to be the first voice I heard when I woke up, so sweet.  Anyway, on one particular morning he called me right as my alarm was chiming,  he was so excited as he reported to me, ” I dreamed about you last night, you were here, in bed with me.”  I was hardly awake but stunned nonetheless, I had dreamed of him too.  As he described his dream to me, it was the same dream I had.  I didn’t tell him, it was unbelievable.

Fast forward a few weeks, I’m on a red eye to NY for a visit.  Upon arrival, we had a quick breakfast then back to his apartment.  I hadn’t slept on the plane and needed a nap. When I walked into his room I almost lost it.  His room was exactly as I had seen it in my dream: the bed, the bedding, the view out the window.  Everything.  I kept this to myself, I didn’t know exactly what that was, I still don’t,  but I know I will never forget it. xo-K

My two cents:  Dreams are just one of many tools/gifts we have to help us navigate through life.


I am so glad K decided to write about this! I love dreams. I love sleeping, I adore the whole fluffy pillows, cozy bed, nocturnal journey through shadows adventure.

Back before I started studying dreams, astrology, and other esoteric topics, I had two very vivid pre-cognitive dreams. The first one was not long after I moved to Northern California. I dreamed of watching a volcano erupt, and very soon after that, Mt. St. Helens blew her top up in Washington state. A couple of years later, I dreamed of waking up in a Victorian mansion, startled by an earthquake, and vividly remember the chandelier in the room swaying from side to side. Fast forward a couple of months, and I was visiting with a beau in his apartment that was part of a Victorian mansion that had been subdivided into flats. We were dozing in his room in the afternoon, and suddenly the earth started shaking, and the chandelier in his room started to sway. That was the Coalinga earthquake, a pretty big one. I knew immediately that my premonition had not been “just a dream.”

I’ve always felt that dreams spoke a language that I wanted to understand and so when I found Betty Bethard’s dream book, it was like finding the key I had been searching for. Betty was an amazingly gifted woman, who after a near-death experience, came to realize that there is no “death” as we think of it, and she was gifted with a second sight. K and I saw her in person a couple of times, and she was amazing.  She had a gravely voice, like Sylvia Brown, and a heart as big as the moon. Betty is gone now, but her book is still in print; it’s that good.

We’ve all heard the basic explanation: “everyone in your dream is you.” But sometimes, there is more to the story. K just told me about an amazing dream she just had, involving vividly seeing a string of the number 4.  Then, there was another number, and if you know about numerology, you’re supposed to reduced all numbers down to a single number (22= 4, 33= 6, etc). Well so after the string of 4s, there was a larger, seemingly unrelated, number. As she was telling me about her dream, I quickly reduced the number down, and guess what? It was 4.  Some experts say that the number 4 means teaching/learning — and we sure are doing a lot of that, these days!

One thing for sure: dreams are never, and I mean NEVER, random my dear. So pay attention! Love, C

My two cents: What if your “dreams” are real, and “reality” is just the dream?


Filed under dreams, self-care, spirituality

more on money~

You know we Two Girls love our teachers, right? My current fav is Stephen Russell, aka the Barefoot Doctor. BD has a series of guided meditations that I really like, and always find myself feeling more energized after listening to them. He also has a website called the Supercharged Taoist.  (Tao pronounced Dao) I don’t know about you, but I don’t know much about Taoism. Oh, sure, I’ve heard Wayne Dyer talk about the teachings and wisdom of the Tao, but haven’t really studied it myself.

I first heard about BD on Hay House Radio, where he had a program for several months, and got totally hooked on his down to earth teachings and before I knew it, I had subscribed to his websites. I love opening my email and finding messages that spark my curiosity or offer a new way to look at the world. Recently, BD sent me a message about manifesting abundance with Wu Wei. He said: “if you want to manifest effortlessly with Wu Wei, you set up an intention, then either fear not achieving it, or trust you will achieve it. If you are successful, you will transition into a more expanded, satisfying, fulfilling and glorious reality.” Sign me up!

According to Russell, Wu Wei is the  Taoist principle of achievement without struggle. It means you have to give up the idea that you know exactly how things should turn out for your highest good and the highest good of those around you. Instead, we are to trust the universal life force, God, the Tao, whatever you call it, to make sure everything turns out for your highest good. Ha! Easier said than done, right? According to BD, “manifesting different realities depends on letting go of the erroneous notion that your rational mind knows best.” According to BD, you have to allow the Tao. Since I’m fascinated by the topic of how we manifest anything, I zeroed in on this.

If there is something you wish to manifest in your life, you need to imagine it with as much clear detail as you can. Do what you can to make the idea as real to you as you can. This is important especially if you have never actually experienced, say, a new car. Many people have, and there are pictures to prove it. Next, identify the feeling you would have if you manifested your desire. Calm, happy, joyous, safe, loved, whatever the feeling is, bask in it. and then you let it go. Things have a way of showing up when you forget about them. Have you noticed?

By practicing feeling, you attract the object to you without struggle;  you don’t make it come it. You set your intention to let the universe/God/Tao bring you want you desire, and then you have to have trust and faith that if it is for your highest good,  a power greater than you will find a way to get it to you, “special delivery.” Love, C

My two cents: Get out of your own way and trust that your best and highest good desires you!


I love manifesting, I love playing with the energy,  just focusing on something and watching it come is so much fun.  It has taken me years, and daily practice but I am getting this down.  In some areas more than others but I am getting it.

Years ago I was given a great meditation tape from a friend, “Receiving Prosperity,” by Louise L. Hay.  It changed my life, and the way I view  money.  I played the tape so much it  finally wore out.  I recently purchased a copy on cd and listening to it again has really reinforced some positive thoughts on prosperity in all areas but especially money.  I highly recommend checking it out.

In the meditation, Louise has you visualize walking on the beach and down to the waves crashing on the shore.  Depending where you are in your thinking she has you bring down a thimble, a cup, a bowl, a bucket, or any container to fill up.  The ocean being infinite supply of money and endless prosperity.  I think I started with a bowl or a bucket but after doing the meditation for a while I think I was filling up a bathtub.

When you start to think about money like  the infinite ocean or like air, that there is a limitless supply, it changes your whole perception.  Do you freak out that you will go to take a breath and there will be no air to breath?  No, you just know there will always be enough and you get to the point pretty quickly that you don’t even think about breathing.

I wanted to get to that point with money,  just like with breathing, not having to think about it, and just knowing  that there will always be enough for me.  You don’t need to hoard it, worry about it, have fear that you will not have enough.  It can be hard when people around you are in fear about money but it is just all the more reason to use the tools available to change your mind  from scarcity to abundance.

Another thing to do is find a great affirmation about money something that feels good to you, maybe set it to music so it gets stuck in your head and repeat it over and over.  One of my favorites comes from numerologist Glynis McCants‘ “I pay my bills with ease, and I always have extra money.”

Let’s face it, if you watch TV, listen to the radio, or are around people at all you are probably getting negative impressions about money and prosperity.  Possibly starting with your own parents at a very young age.  Most people don’t have any idea how powerful their thoughts, words and beliefs are.  I know that having money is not just about working hard.  Most of the people who work the hardest make the least amount of money, while some people are making money while they sleep.

Now that’s a great affirmation, I make money while I sleep! Love it.  xo-K

My two cents:  What would it be like to have what you want?  Imagine it, visualize it, affirm it, feel it.


Filed under affirmations, prosperity